Providing care and comfort in the spirit of Christ's love.
During life’s celebrations, milestones, and sorrows, we seek to uplift members
through simple acts of Christian recognition, service, and support.
are created to provide a loving embrace for newborn babies, those with an injury or illness, those undergoing difficult treatments, and those celebrating a baptism, confirmation, marriage, or commemorating a death in the family.
to a member of the congregation is meant to provide encouragement and acknowledgment for significant life events such as the birth of a baby, baptism, confirmation, and marriage as well as illness or injury. In addition, we send cards of condolence to bereaved families and cards of appreciation for members of the military.
is our outreach to parishioners which provides food to the home during times of difficulty or distress. Whether due to an illness or injury or perhaps in response to a death in the family, these deliveries are both kind and practical. It is a comfort to receive a fresh meal or a snack. Our deliveries have included items such as a plate of cookies or bars, a plate of cheese and crackers and fresh fruit, or a small basket with individually wrapped snacks.
Often these gestures are very appreciated by congregation members who may be experiencing an illness, injury, or mobility issues such as providing a ride to and from church, making a phone call, or paying a visit.
You can submit a prayer request using our online request form below or by calling the church office.
Prayer request cards are also available in the pew racks during worship.
Prayer requests are shared with the prayer chain or just with our clergy or staff, as you request.
Your prayer request has been received.
Peace to you.
Our mission is to honor the truth, goodness, and beauty through Word and Sacrament.
2801 Westwood Rd
P.O. Box 38
Minnetonka Beach, MN